Blog Post

Sitting at the Same Table

Sheila Cooke • Feb 23, 2021

We are kicking-off the formation of a community of like-minded people whose aim it is to regenerate Earth.

A seed planted by Allan Savory in 2014, has sprouted and is bearing fruit. Whilst visiting Polyface Farm, Allan told Joel Salatin and Darren J. Doherty before breakfast:


...there will be no future for regenerative agriculture if we aren't sitting at the same table...


Darren J. Doherty, of Regrarians Ltd., took this message to heart, and invited 3LM to be the first external organisation to join Regrarians® Workplace, a private online community using the Workplace from Facebook platform since 2017. Darren’s long-term plan includes extending invitations to other like-minded groups.


3LM accepted Darren’s invitation because it aligns with our long-term aim of creating a community of Holistic Management practitioners. Our intention for participating in Regrarians Workplace is a private shared space where class participants create community; share knowledge, information, opportunities and questions. Participants can join the wider 3LM community, and the wider still Regrarians’ community of 2000 members in conversation and collaboration.

Why join a private group when there are similar groups on Facebook? 

Our Edmund Sutcliffe, an educator at 3LM whose brainchild it was for 3LM to join
Regrarians Workplace, summed it up nicely when he said, "It keeps the bar high for dialogue. The conversation degrades quickly on public forums with statements like, 'this area needs fire'. By requiring everyone to have taken at least one course in Holistic Management, we have shared knowledge upon which we can learn and grow together."


3LM piloted its January Holistic Management courses in Regrarians Workplace, and already two participants have posted wonderful opportunities to work on holistically-managed farms in the Scilly Isles and Northamptonshire. This type of collaboration is exactly what we were hoping for.

You are invited!


You are invited to join a community of like-minded people whose aim it is to regenerate Earth.


Regardless of whether you have taken Holistic Management training or not, we cordially invite you to join a webinar on Saturday, the 27th of February, at 2:30 PM Eastern / 7:30 PM London, with Darren J. Doherty and the 3LM community. We will introduce key features of Regrarians Workplace, and then spend the bulk of the time in a participatory exercise, with the aim of kicking-off the formation of a community of like-minded people whose aim it is to regenerate Earth.

Register for Webinar
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